Marketing weekly

Dec.​ 22,​ 2021 | This week's marketing news and insights for retail leaders

Note from the editor

With the new year just ahead, Retail Dive will be taking a short break to recharge. Personally, I'll be making cookies and using my downtime to read through the books I've had sitting on my shelf all year. But whatever it is that brings you joy, we hope you get some time to do that, too.

If you're a reader like me, consider catching up on Gen Z's relationship with buy now, pay later services, where 10 well-known DTC brands are now or our photo essay on an abandoned D.C. neighborhood that used to be known for high-end shopping.

We'll be back with our usual marketing newsletter on Jan. 5.

As always, thanks for reading! If you know someone else who would love one of our newsletters, you can share this link with them to sign up.


Cara Salpini
Senior Editor, Retail Dive
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